Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Gerrard nightclub clash video released

Footage of Steve Gerrard apparently involved in a brawl in a Southport bar last December has been released. The Liverpool captain who was attending his second day at Liverpool Crown is alleged to have been involved in a nightclub clash in the early hours of 29 December in which businessman Marcus McGee, 34, was injured.

Gerrard, the father-of-two is accused of affray - which he denies.

Presecuting QC David Turner said Gerrard asked McGee for a card controlling the CD player, by saying: "Here y'are lad. Give me that lad." But McGee objected to his attitude and the expression 'lad', reports the Guardian.

Turner said: "Not many people on Merseyside, or indeed anywhere else would refuse a request from Steven Gerrard, but Mr McGee did.”

"There can be no doubt that this refusal astounded Steven Gerrard. He walked away back to his party, but the CCTV evidence shows how much his mood had changed. He was no longer the centre of that high-spirited party.”

"He was clearly walking round, pondering, musing over what had happened, about the man who said no to Steven Gerrard."

The prosecution state that six minutes later, Gerrard returned to the bar, approached McGee who was sitting alone and confronted him with the words: "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Steven Gerrard had clearly lost his cool – he was very angry with Marcus McGee."

One of Gerrard's friends. John Doran, pushed McGee away and elbowed him in the face. The prosecution claims Gerrard then "totally lost it".

"Almost immediately after the blow from John Doran, in fact within seconds, Steven Gerrard joined in the attack with a succession of well-aimed uppercut punches, delivered with the style and speed of a professional boxer, rather than professional footballer."

In police interview Gerrard said he punched Mr McGee because he believed he was going to be attacked.

Proceedings will resume tomorrow morning when it is expected Mr McGee will give evidence.

The footage can be seen here:

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